Module aukit

AUKit: Audio decoding and processing framework for ComputerCraft

AUKit is a framework designed to simplify the process of loading, modifying, and playing audio files in various formats.

It includes support for loading audio from many sources, including PCM, DFPWM, G.711, and ADPCM codecs, as well as WAV, AIFF, AU, and FLAC files. It can also generate audio on-the-fly as tones, noise, or silence.

AUKit uses a structure called Audio to store information about each audio chunk. An audio object holds the sample rate of the audio, as well as the data for each channel stored as floating-point numbers. Audio objects can hold any number of channels at any sample rate with any duration.

To obtain an audio object, you can use any of the main functions in the aukit module. These allow loading from various raw codecs or file formats, with data sources as strings, or tables if using a raw codec loader.

Once the audio is loaded, various basic operations are available. A subset of the string library is available to simplify operations on the audio, and a number of operators (+, *, .., #) are overridden as well. There's also built- in functions for resampling the audio, with nearest-neighbor, linear, cubic, and sinc interpolation available; as well as mixing channels (including down to mono) and combining/splitting channels. Finally, audio objects can be exported back to PCM, DFPWM, or WAV data, allowing changes to be easily stored on disk. The stream function also automatically chunks data for use with a speaker. All of these functions return a new audio object, leaving the original intact.

There are also a number of effects available for audio. These are contained in the aukit.effects table, and modify the audio passed to them (as well as returning the audio for streamlining). The effects are intended to speed up common operations on audio. More effects may be added in future versions.

For simple audio playback tasks, the table provides a number of functions that can quickly decode audio for real-time playback. Each function returns an iterator function that can be called multiple times to obtain fully decoded chunks of audio in 8-bit PCM, ready for playback to one or more speakers. The functions decode the data, resample it to 48 kHz (using the default resampling method), apply a low-pass filter to decrease interpolation error, mix to mono if desired, and then return a list of tables with samples in the range [-128, 127], plus the current position of the audio. The iterators can be passed directly to the function, which complements the suite by playing the decoded audio on speakers while decoding it in real-time, handling synchronization of speakers as best as possible.

If you're really lazy, you can also call `aukit` as a function, which takes the path to a file, and plays this on all available speakers.

Be aware that processing large amounts of audio (especially loading FLAC or resampling with higher quality) is *very* slow. It's recommended to use audio files with lower data size (8-bit mono PCM/WAV/AIFF is ideal), and potentially a lower sample rate, to reduce the load on the system - especially as all data gets converted to 8-bit DFPWM data on playback anyway. The code yields internally when things take a long time to avoid abort timeouts.

For an example of how to use AUKit, see the accompanying auplay.lua file.


  • License: MIT

  • Author: JackMacWindows




Audio:len () Returns the length of the audio object in seconds.
Audio:channels () Returns the number of channels in the audio object.
Audio:resample (sampleRate, interpolation) Creates a new audio object with the data resampled to a different sample rate.
Audio:mono () Mixes down all channels to a new mono-channel audio object.
Audio:concat (...) Concatenates this audio object with another, adding the contents of each new channel to the end of each old channel, resampling the new channels to match this one (if necessary), and inserting silence in any missing channels.
Audio:sub (start, last) Takes a subregion of the audio and returns a new audio object with its contents.
Audio:combine (...) Combines the channels of this audio object with another, adding the new channels on the end of the new object, resampling the new channels to match this one (if necessary), and extending any channels that are shorter than the longest channel with zeroes.
Audio:split (...) Splits this audio object into one or more objects with the specified channels.
Audio:mix (amplifier, ...) Mixes two or more audio objects into a single object, amplifying each sample with a multiplier (before clipping) if desired, and clipping any values outside the audio range ([-1, 1]).
Audio:rep (count) Returns a new audio object that repeats this audio a number of times.
Audio:reverse () Returns a reversed version of this audio.
Audio:pcm (bitDepth, dataType, interleaved) Converts the audio data to raw PCM samples.
Audio:stream (chunkSize, bitDepth, dataType) Returns a function that can be called to encode PCM samples in chunks.
Audio:wav (bitDepth) Coverts the audio data to a WAV file.
Audio:dfpwm (interleaved) Converts the audio data to DFPWM.


pcm (data, bitDepth, dataType, channels, sampleRate, interleaved, bigEndian) Creates a new audio object from the specified raw PCM data.
adpcm (data, channels, sampleRate, topFirst, interleaved, predictor, step_index) Creates a new audio object from IMA ADPCM data.
msadpcm (data, blockAlign, channels, sampleRate, coefficients) Creates a new audio object from Microsoft ADPCM data.
g711 (data, ulaw, channels, sampleRate) Creates a new audio object from G.711 u-law/A-law data.
dfpwm (data, channels, sampleRate) Creates a new audio object from DFPWM1a data.
mdfpwm (data, head) Creates a new audio object from MDFPWMv3 data.
wav (data, head) Creates a new audio object from a WAV file.
aiff (data, head) Creates a new audio object from an AIFF or AIFC file.
au (data) Creates a new audio object from an AU file.
flac (data, head) Creates a new audio object from a FLAC file.
new (duration, channels, sampleRate) Creates a new empty audio object with the specified duration.
tone (frequency, duration, amplitude, waveType, duty, channels, sampleRate) Creates a new audio object with a tone of the specified frequency and duration.
noise (duration, amplitude, channels, sampleRate) Creates a new audio object with white noise for the specified duration.
pack (data, bitDepth, dataType, bigEndian) Packs a table with PCM data into a string using the specified data type.
play (callback, progress, volume, ...) Plays back stream functions created by one of the functions or Audio:stream.
detect (data) Detect the type of audio file from the specified data. (data, bitDepth, dataType, channels, sampleRate, bigEndian, mono) Returns an iterator to stream raw PCM audio in CC format. (data, sampleRate, channels, mono) Returns an iterator to stream audio from DFPWM data. (data, mono) Returns an iterator to stream audio from MDFPWMv3 data. (input, blockAlign, channels, sampleRate, mono, coefficients) Returns an iterator to stream audio from Microsoft ADPCM data. (input, blockAlign, channels, sampleRate, mono) Returns an iterator to stream data from IMA ADPCM data. (input, ulaw, channels, sampleRate, mono) Returns an iterator to stream data from u-law/A-law G.711 data. (data, mono, ignoreHeader) Returns an iterator to stream audio from a WAV file. (data, mono, ignoreHeader) Returns an iterator to stream audio from an AIFF or AIFC file. (data, mono, ignoreHeader) Returns an iterator to stream data from an AU file. (data, mono) Returns an iterator to stream data from a FLAC file.


aukit.effects.amplify (audio, multiplier) Amplifies the audio by the multiplier specified.
aukit.effects.speed (audio, multiplier) Changes the speed and pitch of audio by a multiplier, resampling to keep the same sample rate.
aukit.effects.fade (audio, startTime, startAmplitude, endTime, endAmplitude) Fades a period of music from one amplitude to another.
aukit.effects.invert (audio) Inverts all channels in the specified audio.
aukit.effects.normalize (audio, peakAmplitude, independent) Normalizes audio to the specified peak amplitude. (audio) Centers the DC offset of each channel.
aukit.effects.trim (audio, threshold) Trims any extra silence on either end of the specified audio.
aukit.effects.delay (audio, delay, multiplier) Adds a delay to the specified audio.
aukit.effects.echo (audio, delay, multiplier) Adds an echo to the specified audio.
aukit.effects.reverb (audio, delay, decay, wetMultiplier, dryMultiplier) Adds reverb to the specified audio.
aukit.effects.lowpass (audio, frequency) Applies a low-pass filter to the specified audio.
aukit.effects.highpass (audio, frequency) Applies a high-pass filter to the specified audio.


  • _VERSION string The version of AUKit that is loaded. This follows [SemVer]( format.
  • defaultInterpolation "none", "linear", "cubic" or "sinc" Default interpolation mode for Audio:resample and other functions that need to resample.


  • sampleRate number The sample rate of the audio.
  • metadata table Stores any metadata read from the file if present.
  • info table Stores any decoder-specific information, including `bitDepth` and `dataType`.
Audio:len ()
Returns the length of the audio object in seconds.


    number _ The audio length
Audio:channels ()
Returns the number of channels in the audio object.


    number _ The number of channels
Audio:resample (sampleRate, interpolation)
Creates a new audio object with the data resampled to a different sample rate. If the target rate is the same, the object is copied without modification.


  • sampleRate number The new sample rate in Hertz
  • interpolation ? "none"|"linear"|"cubic" The interpolation mode to use


    Audio _ A new audio object with the resampled data
Audio:mono ()
Mixes down all channels to a new mono-channel audio object.


    Audio _ A new audio object with the audio mixed to mono
Audio:concat (...)
Concatenates this audio object with another, adding the contents of each new channel to the end of each old channel, resampling the new channels to match this one (if necessary), and inserting silence in any missing channels.


  • ... Audio The audio objects to concatenate


    Audio _ The new concatenated audio object
Audio:sub (start, last)
Takes a subregion of the audio and returns a new audio object with its contents. This takes the same arguments as string.sub, but positions start at 0.


  • start ? number The start position of the audio in seconds
  • last ? number The end position of the audio in seconds (0 means end of file)


    Audio _ The new split audio object
Audio:combine (...)
Combines the channels of this audio object with another, adding the new channels on the end of the new object, resampling the new channels to match this one (if necessary), and extending any channels that are shorter than the longest channel with zeroes.


  • ... Audio The audio objects to combine with


    Audio _ The new combined audio object
Audio:split (...)
Splits this audio object into one or more objects with the specified channels. Passing a channel that doesn't exist will throw an error.


  • ... number[] The lists of channels in each new object


    Audio ... The new audio objects created from the channels in each list


    Split a stereo track into independent mono objects
         local left, right = stereo:split({1}, {2})
Audio:mix (amplifier, ...)
Mixes two or more audio objects into a single object, amplifying each sample with a multiplier (before clipping) if desired, and clipping any values outside the audio range ([-1, 1]). Channels that are shorter are padded with zeroes at the end, and non-existent channels are replaced with all zeroes. Any audio objects with a different sample rate are resampled to match this one.


  • amplifier number|Audio The multiplier to apply, or the first audio object
  • ... Audio The objects to mix with this one


    Audio _ The new mixed audio object
Audio:rep (count)
Returns a new audio object that repeats this audio a number of times.


  • count number The number of times to play the audio


    Audio _ The repeated audio
Audio:reverse ()
Returns a reversed version of this audio.


    Audio _ The reversed audio
Audio:pcm (bitDepth, dataType, interleaved)
Converts the audio data to raw PCM samples.


  • bitDepth ? number The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32)
  • dataType ? "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" The type of each sample
  • interleaved ? boolean Whether to interleave each channel


    number[]|nil ... The resulting audio data
Audio:stream (chunkSize, bitDepth, dataType)
Returns a function that can be called to encode PCM samples in chunks. This is useful as a for iterator, and can be used with


  • chunkSize ? number The size of each chunk
  • bitDepth ? number The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32)
  • dataType ? "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" The type of each sample


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number _ The total length of the audio in seconds
Audio:wav (bitDepth)
Coverts the audio data to a WAV file.


  • bitDepth ? number The bit depth of the audio (1 = DFPWM, 8, 16, 24, 32)


    string _ The resulting WAV file data
Audio:dfpwm (interleaved)
Converts the audio data to DFPWM. All channels share the same encoder, and channels are stored sequentially uninterleaved if `interleaved` is false, or in one interleaved string if `interleaved` is true.


  • interleaved ? boolean Whether to interleave the channels


    string ... The resulting DFPWM data for each channel (only one string if `interleaved` is true)


pcm (data, bitDepth, dataType, channels, sampleRate, interleaved, bigEndian)
Creates a new audio object from the specified raw PCM data.


  • data string|table The audio data, either as a raw string, or a table of values (in the format specified by `bitDepth` and `dataType`)
  • bitDepth ? number The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32); if `dataType` is "float" then this must be 32
  • dataType ? "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" The type of each sample
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • interleaved ? boolean Whether each channel is interleaved or separate
  • bigEndian ? boolean Whether the audio is big-endian or little-endian; ignored if data is a table


    Audio _ A new audio object containing the specified data
adpcm (data, channels, sampleRate, topFirst, interleaved, predictor, step_index)
Creates a new audio object from IMA ADPCM data.


  • data string|table The audio data, either as a raw string, or a table of nibbles
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • topFirst ? boolean Whether the top nibble is the first nibble (true) or last (false); ignored if `data` is a table
  • interleaved ? boolean Whether each channel is interleaved or separate
  • predictor ? number|table The initial predictor value(s)
  • step_index ? number|table The initial step index(es)


    Audio _ A new audio object containing the decoded data
msadpcm (data, blockAlign, channels, sampleRate, coefficients)
Creates a new audio object from Microsoft ADPCM data.


  • data string The audio data as a raw string
  • blockAlign number The number of bytes in each block
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • coefficients ? table Two lists of coefficients to use


    Audio _ A new audio object containing the decoded data
g711 (data, ulaw, channels, sampleRate)
Creates a new audio object from G.711 u-law/A-law data.


  • data string The audio data as a raw string
  • ulaw boolean Whether the audio uses u-law (true) or A-law (false).
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz


    Audio _ A new audio object containing the decoded data
dfpwm (data, channels, sampleRate)
Creates a new audio object from DFPWM1a data. All channels are expected to share the same decoder, and are stored interleaved in a single stream.


  • data string The audio data as a raw string
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz


    Audio _ A new audio object containing the decoded data
mdfpwm (data, head)
Creates a new audio object from MDFPWMv3 data.


  • data string The audio data as a raw string
  • head boolean Whether to only load metadata (header data) - this will not decode the audio


    Audio _ A new audio object containing the decoded data
wav (data, head)
Creates a new audio object from a WAV file. This accepts PCM files up to 32 bits, including float data, as well as DFPWM files [as specified here](, plus IMA and Microsoft ADPCM formats and G.711 u-law/A-law.


  • data string The WAV data to load
  • head boolean Whether to only load metadata (header data) - this will not decode the audio


    Audio _ A new audio object with the contents of the WAV file
aiff (data, head)
Creates a new audio object from an AIFF or AIFC file.


  • data string The AIFF data to load
  • head boolean Whether to only load metadata (header data) - this will not decode the audio


    Audio _ A new audio object with the contents of the AIFF file
au (data)
Creates a new audio object from an AU file.


  • data string The AU data to load


    Audio _ A new audio object with the contents of the AU file
flac (data, head)
Creates a new audio object from a FLAC file.


  • data string The FLAC data to load
  • head boolean Whether to only load metadata (header data) - this will not decode the audio


    Audio _ A new audio object with the contents of the FLAC file
new (duration, channels, sampleRate)
Creates a new empty audio object with the specified duration.


  • duration number The length of the audio in seconds
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz


    Audio _ The new empty audio object
tone (frequency, duration, amplitude, waveType, duty, channels, sampleRate)
Creates a new audio object with a tone of the specified frequency and duration.


  • frequency number The frequency of the tone in Hertz
  • duration number The length of the audio in seconds
  • amplitude ? number The amplitude of the audio from 0.0 to 1.0
  • waveType ? "sine"|"triangle"|"sawtooth"|"square" The type of wave to generate
  • duty ? number The duty cycle of the square wave if selected; ignored otherwise
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz


    Audio _ A new audio object with the tone
noise (duration, amplitude, channels, sampleRate)
Creates a new audio object with white noise for the specified duration.


  • duration number The length of the audio in seconds
  • amplitude ? number The amplitude of the audio from 0.0 to 1.0
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz


    Audio _ A new audio object with noise
pack (data, bitDepth, dataType, bigEndian)
Packs a table with PCM data into a string using the specified data type.


  • data number[] The PCM data to pack
  • bitDepth ? number The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32); if `dataType` is "float" then this must be 32
  • dataType ? "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" The type of each sample
  • bigEndian ? boolean Whether the data should be big-endian or little-endian


    string _ The packed PCM data
play (callback, progress, volume, ...)
Plays back stream functions created by one of the functions or Audio:stream.


  • callback fun():number[][] The iterator function that returns each chunk
  • progress ? fun(pos:number) A callback to report progress to the caller; if omitted then this argument is the first speaker
  • volume ? number The volume to play the audio at; if omitted then this argument is the second speaker (if provided)
  • ... speaker The speakers to play on
detect (data)
Detect the type of audio file from the specified data. This uses heuristic detection methods to attempt to find the correct data type for files without headers. It is not recommended to rely on the data type/bit depth reported for PCM files - they are merely a suggestion.


  • data string The audio file to check


  1. "pcm"|"dfpwm"|"mdfpwm"|"wav"|"aiff"|"au"|"flac"|nil _ The type of audio file detected, or `nil` if none could be found
  2. number|nil _ The bit depth for PCM data, if the type is "pcm" and the bit depth can be detected
  3. "signed"|"unsigned"|"float"|nil _ The data type for PCM data, if the type is "pcm" and the type can be detected (data, bitDepth, dataType, channels, sampleRate, bigEndian, mono)
Returns an iterator to stream raw PCM audio in CC format. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono. Data *must* be interleaved - this will not work with planar audio.


  • data string|table|function The audio data, either as a raw string, a table of values (in the format specified by `bitDepth` and `dataType`), or a function that returns either of those types. Functions will be called at least once before returning to get the type of data to use.
  • bitDepth ? number The bit depth of the audio (8, 16, 24, 32); if `dataType` is "float" then this must be 32
  • dataType ? "signed"|"unsigned"|"float" The type of each sample
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • bigEndian ? boolean Whether the audio is big-endian or little-endian; ignored if data is a table
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio down to mono


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number _ The total length of the audio in seconds, or the length of the first chunk if using a function (data, sampleRate, channels, mono)
Returns an iterator to stream audio from DFPWM data. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz. Multiple channels are expected to be interleaved in the encoded DFPWM data.


  • data string|fun():string The DFPWM data to decode, or a function returning chunks to decode
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio down to mono


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number|nil _ The total length of the audio in seconds, or nil if data is a function (data, mono)
Returns an iterator to stream audio from MDFPWMv3 data.


  • data string|fun():string The MDFPWM data to decode, or a function returning chunks to decode
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio down to mono


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number|nil _ The total length of the audio in seconds, or nil if data is a function (input, blockAlign, channels, sampleRate, mono, coefficients)
Returns an iterator to stream audio from Microsoft ADPCM data. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz.


  • input string|fun():string The audio data as a raw string or reader function
  • blockAlign number The number of bytes in each block
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio down to mono
  • coefficients ? table Two lists of coefficients to use


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number|nil _ The total length of the audio in seconds, or nil if data is a function (input, blockAlign, channels, sampleRate, mono)
Returns an iterator to stream data from IMA ADPCM data. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz, and mixed to mono if desired. Data *must* be in the interleaving format used in WAV files (i.e. periodic blocks with 4/8-byte headers, channels alternating every 4 bytes, lower nibble first).


  • input string|fun():string The audio data as a raw string or reader function
  • blockAlign number The number of bytes in each block
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio down to mono


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number|nil _ The total length of the audio in seconds, or nil if data is a function (input, ulaw, channels, sampleRate, mono)
Returns an iterator to stream data from u-law/A-law G.711 data. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz, and mixed to mono if desired.


  • input string|fun():string The audio data as a raw string or reader function
  • ulaw boolean Whether the audio uses u-law (true) or A-law (false).
  • channels ? number The number of channels present in the audio
  • sampleRate ? number The sample rate of the audio in Hertz
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio down to mono


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number|nil _ The total length of the audio in seconds, or nil if data is a function (data, mono, ignoreHeader)
Returns an iterator to stream audio from a WAV file. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono. This accepts PCM files up to 32 bits, including float data, as well as DFPWM files [as specified here](


  • data string|fun():string The WAV file to decode, or a function returning chunks to decode (the first chunk MUST contain the ENTIRE header)
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio to mono
  • ignoreHeader ? boolean Whether to ignore additional headers if they appear later in the audio stream


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number|nil _ The total length of the audio in seconds (data, mono, ignoreHeader)
Returns an iterator to stream audio from an AIFF or AIFC file. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono.


  • data string|fun():string The AIFF file to decode, or a function returning chunks to decode (the first chunk MUST contain the ENTIRE header)
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio to mono
  • ignoreHeader ? boolean Whether to ignore additional headers if they appear later in the audio stream


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number _ The total length of the audio in seconds (data, mono, ignoreHeader)
Returns an iterator to stream data from an AU file. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono.


  • data string|fun():string The AU file to decode, or a function returning chunks to decode (the first chunk MUST contain the ENTIRE header)
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio to mono
  • ignoreHeader ? boolean Whether to ignore additional headers if they appear later in the audio stream


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number _ The total length of the audio in seconds (data, mono)
Returns an iterator to stream data from a FLAC file. Audio will automatically be resampled to 48 kHz, and optionally mixed down to mono.


  • data string|fun():string The FLAC file to decode, or a function returning chunks to decode
  • mono ? boolean Whether to mix the audio to mono


  1. fun():number[][]|nil,number|nil _ An iterator function that returns chunks of each channel's data as arrays of signed 8-bit 48kHz PCM, as well as the current position of the audio in seconds
  2. number _ The total length of the audio in seconds


aukit.effects.amplify (audio, multiplier)
Amplifies the audio by the multiplier specified.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • multiplier number The multiplier to apply


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.speed (audio, multiplier)
Changes the speed and pitch of audio by a multiplier, resampling to keep the same sample rate.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • multiplier number The multiplier to apply


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.fade (audio, startTime, startAmplitude, endTime, endAmplitude)
Fades a period of music from one amplitude to another.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • startTime number The start time of the fade, in seconds
  • startAmplitude number The amplitude of the beginning of the fade
  • endTime number The end time of the fade, in seconds
  • endAmplitude number The amplitude of the end of the fade


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.invert (audio)
Inverts all channels in the specified audio.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.normalize (audio, peakAmplitude, independent)
Normalizes audio to the specified peak amplitude.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • peakAmplitude ? number The maximum amplitude
  • independent ? boolean Whether to normalize each channel independently


    Audio _ The audio modified (audio)
Centers the DC offset of each channel.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.trim (audio, threshold)
Trims any extra silence on either end of the specified audio.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • threshold ? number The maximum value to register as silence


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.delay (audio, delay, multiplier)
Adds a delay to the specified audio.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • delay number The amount of time to delay for, in seconds
  • multiplier ? number The multiplier to apply to the delayed audio


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.echo (audio, delay, multiplier)
Adds an echo to the specified audio.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • delay ? number The amount of time to echo after, in seconds
  • multiplier ? number The decay multiplier to apply to the echoed audio


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.reverb (audio, delay, decay, wetMultiplier, dryMultiplier)
Adds reverb to the specified audio.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • delay ? number The amount of time to reverb after, in **milliseconds**
  • decay ? number The decay factor to use
  • wetMultiplier ? number The wet (reverbed) mix amount
  • dryMultiplier ? number The dry (original) mix amount


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.lowpass (audio, frequency)
Applies a low-pass filter to the specified audio.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • frequency number The cutoff frequency for the filter


    Audio _ The audio modified
aukit.effects.highpass (audio, frequency)
Applies a high-pass filter to the specified audio.


  • audio Audio The audio to modify
  • frequency number The cutoff frequency for the filter


    Audio _ The audio modified
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-03-05 20:00:33